Ramadan Quotes 2023 in Urdu| 1st Ashra of Ramadan Dua Quotes
Hello guys, This article related to the holy month of Ramadan Quotes. These quotes are often shared among Muslims during Ramadan as a way of seeking inspiration, motivation, and guidance. They may touch on various aspects of Ramadan, such as fasting, prayer, charity, and self-reflection, and are meant to provide spiritual nourishment and encouragement during this holy month.
Ramadan quotes may be written or spoken in various languages, including English, Urdu, Arabic, and others. Also in this post you can learn about Ramadan 1st Ashra Dua with Urdu and English Translation. In the 1st Ashra of Ramadan has 10 fast. And the First Ashra name is Day of Mercy .
No1: Ramadan Quotes 2023 in Urdu:
رمضان اللہ کی مہربانی ہے جسے ہم عبادت اور دعا کے مہینے کے طور پر مناتے ہیں۔
(Ramadan is Allah's mercy which we celebrate as a month of worship and prayer)
This quote emphasizes the significance of Ramadan as a time for worship and prayer, highlighting the importance of this month in the Muslim faith.
No2: Ramadan Quotes 2023 in Urdu:
رمضان میں ہم نے اپنے آپ کو پاک کرنا ہے، جو ایک روحانی ترقی کے لئے بہت اہم ہے۔
(In Ramadan, we purify ourselves, which is crucial for spiritual development)
This quote highlights the spiritual significance of Ramadan, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection and purification during this holy month.
No3: Ramadan Quotes 2023 in Urdu:
رمضان کے مہینے میں ہم نے اپنے دلوں کو صاف کرنا ہے، جس سے ہم اپنی روحانیت میں ترقی کرسکتے ہیں۔
(In Ramadan, we cleanse our hearts, which helps us grow spiritually)
This quote emphasizes the importance of cleansing the heart during Ramadan, which is essential for spiritual growth and development.
No4: Ramadan Quotes 2023 in Urdu:
رمضان میں ہم نے اپنے اندر کے شیطان کو قابو کرنا ہے، جو ہمارے لئے ایک بہت بڑی پیشکش ہے۔
(In Ramadan, we control the inner demons, which is a great sacrifice for us)
This quote highlights the struggle and sacrifice of controlling one's inner demons during Ramadan, which is a significant part of the spiritual journey.
No5: Ramadan Quotes 2023 in Urdu:
رمضان کے مہینے میں ہم نے اپنے لئے اور دوسروں کے لئے دعا کرنا ہے، تاکہ ہمیں اللہ کی رحمتوں سے نوازا جائے۔
(In Ramadan, we pray for ourselves and others, so that we may be blessed with Allah's mercy)
This quote emphasizes the significance of prayer during Ramadan, highlighting the importance of praying for oneself and others.
No6: Ramadan Quotes 2023 in Urdu:
رمضان ایک ایسی دنیا کیلئے ہے جو آخرت کے لئے آرام دہ ہے۔
(Ramadan is a world that is peaceful for the hereafter)
This quote emphasizes the significance of Ramadan as a time to focus on the hereafter, highlighting the importance of preparing for the afterlife.
No7: Ramadan Quotes 2023 in Urdu:
رمضان ہمیں اخلاص کا سفر کرنے کے لئے موقع فراہم کرتا ہے۔
(Ramadan provides us with an opportunity to embark on a journey of sincerity)
This quote emphasizes the importance of sincerity in worship during Ramadan, highlighting the opportunity for spiritual growth and development during this holy month.
No8: Ramadan Quotes 2023 in Urdu:
رمضان ایک مبارک مہینہ ہے جس کے دوران اللہ ہمیں برکتوں سے نوازتا ہے۔
(Ramadan is a blessed month during which Allah blesses us abundantly)
This quote emphasizes the significance of Ramadan as a time of blessings and divine mercy, highlighting the spiritual significance of this holy month.